How to share a Stream Video with external users
The following steps are required to share your MS Stream video with non Sense Scotland staff.
- Go to the Sense Scotland Staff Homepage and click on the App Launcher in the top left corner of the screen and select Stream
- Next click on My content and then Meetings (or the location of your video)
- Select the video you wish to share and click on the ellipsis and select Download video
- Save the video to a location on your computer - make sure that this is not a location that synchs with OneDrive already.
- Open OneDrive and upload your video to your chosen folder. If the folder does not already exist you should create it before uploading video. Make sure that you do not sync this new folder with your computer.
- After the video has been uploaded to OneDrive click on the ellipsis and select Copy link
- Click on the option item at the bottom of the pop up
- Then select "Anyone with this link"
- You will then have further options to choose from
- When your link has been copied, paste it in to an email and send to anyone that you wish to have access to it