Managing a distribution group you own
1. In Mail view, click on Settings (visible as a cog wheel icon) within the top-right corner.
Select View all Outlook settings.
2. A Settings window will appear. Select General. Select Distribution groups.
3. Under distribution groups I own, select the list you want to change, then select Edit (visible as a pencil icon). Alternatively you can also open the list details by double clicking on it.
4. A new window will open with details about your central distribution list. Select Membership from the left-hand pane.
To add members:
1. Within Membership, beneath Members, select Add (visible as a plus (+) icon).
2. You will be prompted to search for the new member from the directory (Global Address List). In the Search People field, type the name, user ID or email address of the new member.
3. Once you have found the person you want to add, either double click on their name, or select the name and then select Add (visible as a plus (+) icon) next to the name.
4. The chosen account will appear in the Members field above the Search People field.Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any other new members. Select Save.
5. You will be returned to the Membership section with the newly specified members listed. Select Save to apply your changes and add the new users.
To remove members:
1. Within Membership, beneath Members, select the person you wish to remove. Select Remove (visible as a minus (-) icon).
2. Select Save to apply your changes.