(#PRB-57) Fixing issue with SSSERV25
[#57] Printer Issues : ICT Servicedesk (sensescotland.org.uk)
We were able to get the print server (SSSERV25) and HOST1 back up and running by undertaking the following steps:
- We got the power back to HOST1 by unplugging the power leads from the UPS and plugging them directly to a wall outlet.
- We noticed that the error when starting SSSERV25 stated that the file path to the HDD was unavailable and so we were able to go into the VM setup and remap correctly
- Next we were able to log in to SSSERV25 as a local admin using the following details: .\administrator and S3ns37577
- Next step was to domain join SSSERV25 following these steps:
- Sign into SSSERV25 as a local admin.
- Right click the start button and go to System
- Select Change Settings:

- Select Change:

- Select the Workgroup radio button and type WORKGROUP in the box,

- Click OK and reboot the sever.
- Once the server is back on then sign into it again and run through the same steps, but select Doman and enter sense.scotland
- Select OK
- Reboot the server.
- Finally we had to update the IP information back to as this had become unavailable as all the VMs had restarted and thus SSSERV25 had been assigned a random IP which did not match what was required.
- The final step was to update the Default Gateway as this had blanked out.
The server rebooted fine and a check was made on the printer to make sure it was now connecting, which it was.
Images of servers during fault: