Setting up a managed app on your iPhone
To set up a managed app, such as Microsoft Teams, on your iPhone, please follow these steps.
Firstly, ensure that you have installed both the Microsoft Teams app and the Microsoft Authenticator app.
Once the MS Authenticator app has been installed, you need to make sure that your Sense Scotland account has been setup on it. If it has, you should see something similar to the item below:
Once expanded, this should display details similar to this:
If you don't see that, or if you are having issues setting up your Sense Scotland credentials on this app then you should do the following:
Visit the Staff Intranet and then click on your icon on the top right hand corner and choose View Account
Next select Security Info > Update Info
Hopefully you will see an entry for Microsoft Authenticator such as the one below. If you don't have this or your entry doesn't look the same as this one you may have to delete it and create a new connection.
To do so click on the + Add Sign-In Method link
Choose Authenticator App and then click ADD
Follow the steps as instructed until complete.
You can now install Teams on to your phone.
Once you have installed Teams, you can add your Sense Scotland account.
Add your Sense Scotland email details when prompted and click Next
You will be asked for your preferences on setting notifications etc but will eventually arrive at a screen that either asks you to set up a 6 digit code or enter a 6 digit code
Either set a new code, enter the one you have already set up on a previous device, or, if you have forgotten your code or are unsure if you have one, click on the "Forgot you PIN, or need to change it?" link and follow the instructions to set a new 6 digit PIN.